Culture and wisdom of an Ainu race in Japan 
賢い知恵を持つ人々 〜アイヌ民族が教えてくれること
  last up date 2007.2.22

日本の北部、北海道には古くからアイヌ民族が住んでいます。 アイヌとはアイヌ語で人間という意味を持ちます。 アイヌの人々は、固有の文化を持っています。 工芸は素晴らしく、その思想は現代を生き抜く知恵を備えています。 このウェブサイトでは、アイヌ民族が持つ知恵を日本語と英語で紹介します。参考文献は、アイヌ民族の方によって書かれたものと、研究者が長い年月かけて調査したものがあります。いずれの文献にも尊敬と感謝の気持ちを捧げます。

The Ainu race lives in the northern part of Japan, Hokkaido for many years. With Ainu, it has a meaning called human beings in Ainu language. Ainu race people have peculiar culture. The craft is wonderful and the thought is equipped with the wisdom to survive the present age. On this website, the wisdom which an Ainu race has is introduced in Japanese and English. There are what was written by the Ainu race, and the book which the researcher investigated over long years in references. I offer the feeling of respect and gratitude to every reference.


When you drink water in unknown land, the stone of the spring of a hometown cleans it.

When coming out in the distance for their war, drinking food water and they put in the stone of a hometown into it, it was said that a water god purified drinking water. It is also Ainu's idea that water is a mountain god's milk. It is supposed that it is drunk and people are grown up in good health. When they drew water at night, they struck the water surface and woke up the water god. It is for keeping away that something bad steals into water.

参考文献「アイヌの民族(上)」更科源蔵著 みやま書房:References 「Ainu race」by Sarasina Genzo(Issue; Miyama Bookstore)


God opens a mouth in a bag from on heavens, and scatters a fish over the sea.

There was a time when a lot of herrings came, dozens of years ago in Hokkaido. It was as extensive as the color of a sea surface changed then. Although people of Hokkaido were pleased with the big haul, the herring remained and people used it for manure. When the herring remained, it disappeared entirely. I think that God is just looking from on empty by this.

参考文献「アイヌの民族(上)」更科源蔵著 みやま書房:References 「Ainu race」by Sarasina Genzo(Issue; Miyama Bookstore)


The reason you look at a dream is for God to tell you the thought.

It is thought that a dream is what is shown in order that God may tell man about its thought for an Ainu race. Therefore, if they got up in the morning a long time ago, their parent said, "Remember whether any dreams were seen." When building a house, they waited for the divine message of God in the dream, and that heard about whether it is a good place.

参考文献「アイヌの民族(上)」更科源蔵著 みやま書房:References 「Ainu race」by Sarasina Genzo(Issue; Miyama Bookstore)


When a moss occurs in a bottom of a small river which flows a mountain in summer, it is the sign of a massive flood.

If it seldom rains, the water of a small river will get warm, therefore much moss will occur. Ainu race people were careful of each other to become a flood, when the rain of the part which did not come down became autumn. There is other wisdom about a flood. It is the sign of a flood when the voice of a cuckoo takes night. When you walk along the small river in a mountain in the midwinter, supposing there is much grown-up ice like a fist, there is a flood in the summer of the year.

参考文献「アイヌのイタクタクサ −言葉の清め草」萱野茂著 冬青社:References「ainu no itakutakusa -Grass which purifies language」by Sigeru Kayano (Issue; touseisya)

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